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All Entries in the Category "Working with Search Results"

Sort Results

Results lists can be sorted in both descending and ascending order. Choose the desired sort order on the search results page using the dropdown menu at the top of the page, below the search box.

Author Count

This option sorts based on a record’s number of authors.


This option sorts based on bibcode.

Citation Count

This option sorts based on a paper’s number of citations.

Classic Factor

This option sorts based on a prestige score, designed to more highly rank papers that are relevant and popular now. It is calculated via an age-normalized combination of reads and citation, and is very similar to the ranking applied to results from Classic’s one-box search.


This option sorts based on a paper’s publication date (month and year).

Entry Date

This option sorts based on a paper’s entry date in the ADS database.

Read Count

This option is a measure of recent popularity. It sorts on the 90-day read count of a paper: the number of times a paper has been accessed in the ADS or on arXiv in the last 90 days.


This option, also known as “relevance” in SciX, is currently a combination of two factors: the first is the raw search score, or how well the results match the search terms. For unfielded searches, or those that don’t use search tags, commonly searched fields such as author and publication year are more heavily weighted in determining the score. The second factor is a boost factor for more highly read and cited papers. This boost factor, which is the normalized Classic factor (defined above), is designed to more highly rank papers that are relevant and popular now and is calculated via an age-normalized combination of reads and citation.


The Citation Metrics Report

The Citation Metrics Report is an overview of citations, usage and derived indicators for a set of ADS records. This means that all quantities in this overview are solely based on data from the ADS. For each paper, a “read” is counted if an ADS user runs a search in our system and then requests to either view the paper’s full bibliographic record or download the fulltext. Please note that in computing readership numbers we attempt to remove log entries generated by robots, users coming to an ADS record from an external search engine, and multiple clicks from the same user. The ADS has an automated procedure that attempts to match the references in the bibliography of a record to existing records in the ADS database. If an ADS record has N references associated with it, it means that the corresponding paper has at least N references in its bibliography, but potentially more if there were references that our procedure was unable to match. Keep this in mind when regarding citation and citation-derived information.

How to View Metrics:

  • To access the metrics view for a list of results, on the search results page go to the Explore button –> Citation Metrics.
  • To access metrics for a single article, go to the article detail view and find the metrics in the left-hand navigation.

Citation Metrics

(Note that we do not remove self-citations based on author name, because of author disambiguation problems. We apply a list-based removal of self-citations.)

Normalized Citations

For a list of N papers (i=1,…N), where Nauthi is the number of authors for publication i and Ci the number of citations that this paper received, the normalized citation count for each article is Ci/Nauthi, and the ‘normalized citations’ for this list of N papers is the sum of these N numbers.

Article Usage Metrics

The ADS collects information about the rate that articles have been accessed in our system. This data includes both short-term access data (recent views) and records of article access rates over the years. Article usage rates include both page views of the article detail page in the ADS, and full-text downloads of the article. The value for just the full-text downloads is presented as a seperate field in the metrics page.

Recent Views

This data encompasses the past 90 days of access data for articles in the ADS, including full-text downloads. This value also includes read and download information from arXiv. You can sort a list of ADS search results by this value, or view it in the results graph visualization.

Metrics for Indices


Hirsch’s h-index is the largest number H such that H publications have at least H citations. It attempts to measure the productivity and impact of a researcher in a single number. Wikipedia entry


The m-index is the h-index divided by the time (years) between the first and most recent publication.

iN-index (where N is 10 or 100)

The iN-index is the number of publications with at least N citations.


Given a set of articles ranked in decreasing order of the number of citations that they received, the g-index is the (unique) largest number such that the top g articles received (together) at least g2 citations.


The total research impact of a scholar (tori) is calculated using the reference lists of the citing papers, where self-citations are removed. The contribution of each citing paper is then normalized by the number of remaining references in the citing papers and the number of authors in the cited paper. The tori-index is defined as the amount of work that others have devoted to his/her research, measured in research papers (see Pepe & Kurtz 2012).


The research impact quotient (riq) equals the square root of the tori-index, divided by the time between the first and last publication, multiplied by 1000 (see Pepe & Kurtz 2012).


Read10 is the current readership rate for all an individual’s papers published in the most recent ten years, normalized for number of authors (see Kurtz et al. 2005).

Paper Count Metrics

Normalized paper count

For a list of N papers (i=1,…N), where Nauthi is the number of authors for publication i, the normalized paper count is the sum over 1/Nauthi

Export Results

Export Formats

Use this button to export your search results in different formats. Currently available options are:

1. Tagged Formats:
  • BibTeX
  • BibTeX ABS
  • ADS (generic tagged abstracts)
  • EndNote
  • ProCite
  • RIS (Refman)
  • RefWorks
2. LaTeX Formats:
  • AASTeX
  • Icarus
  • Solar Physics (SoPh)
3. XML Formats:
  • DC (Dublin Core) XML
  • VOTables
  • RSS

The BibTeX Format Configuration

For the two BibTeX formats there are two optional parameters maxauthor and keyformat which can be specified in user preferences.

maxauthor is maxinum number of authors displayed if number of authors exceed 200. The default values for maxauthor for BibTeX and BibTeX ABS are respectively 10 and 0, where 0 means display all authors.

keyformat is mnemonic key for identifying a BibTeX entry where default is the bibcode. Key can be specified to contain the first author’s last name, or some combination of publication year, journal, or additional authors. The key generation algorithm can be specified as a custom format. For example, the default BibTeX export for 2019AAS...23338108A is:

       author = {{Accomazzi}, Alberto and {Kurtz}, Michael J. and {Henneken}, Edwin and

which can instead be defined to be one of the following:

Accomazzi:2019              -- %1H:%Y
Accomazzi:2019:AAS          -- %1H:%Y:%q
Accomazzi2019               -- %1H%Y
Accomazzi2019AAS            -- %1H%Y%q
AccomazziKurtz2019          -- %2H%Y

Note there is also %zm specifier that is used for enumeration. This format outputs a sequence of characters to the end of keyformat when it is not unique among selected records. For example having keyformat of %1H%Y%zm produces:


The ADS Custom Format

The custom format feature allows you to output ADS data in a completely user-defined format. For example, the following format

%l (%Y), %j, %V, %p.\n

produces a reference of the form:

Vinodkumar, Dharssi, I., Bally, J., Steinle, P., McJannet, D., & Walker, J. (2017), Water Resources Research, 53, 633.

where specifiers l, Y, j, V, and p are, respectively, indicators of author list, year, journal name, volume, and page numbers, and \n is a new line indicator.

The custom format also allows you, for instance, to adapt your reference format to the requirements of a specific journal, or to build other types of output like HTML formatted references. For example, the format for Icarus is:

%ZEncoding:latex\\bibitem[%2M(%Y)]{%R} %10I\ %Y.\ %T.\ %j %V, %p-%P.\n

which produces a reference of the form:

\\bibitem[Vinodkumar, et al.(2017)]{2017WRR....53..633V} Vinodkumar, Dharssi, I., Bally, J., Steinle, P., McJannet, D. and Walker, J.\\ 2017.\\ Comparison of\nsoil wetness from multiple models over Australia with observations.\\ Water\nResources Research 53, 633-646.

As can be seen from the above examples, the format is specified as a string using a syntax similar to the one used by the C-programming printf statement. The format string is composed of zero or more directives: ordinary characters (not %), which are copied unchanged to the output; and conversion specifications, for any of the fields found in the bibliographic record to be formatted (e.g. authors, title).

Furthermore, using custom format, you can format your output as a csv file. For example, the following format

%ZEncoding:csv %ZHeader:'Author,Year,Title,Journal' %G,%Y,%T,%J

would create the four specified columns, listing your results under the column heading. Note that if no column heading is specified in your custom format, the export adds the headings based on your field selections.

For author field l (please see table below for all author formats) there are optional parameters: n.m. If the number of authors in the list is larger than n, the list will be truncated and returned as “author1, author2, …, authorm, et al.”. If .m is not specified, n.1 is assumed. The format is as follows:

%[n.m]l .


The default format is the AASTeX format:

%ZEncoding:latex%ZLinelength:0\bibitem[%4m(%Y)]{%R} %5.3l\ %Y, %j, %V, %p.\n

which produces a reference of the form:

\bibitem[Rester, et al.(1989)]{1989ApJ...342L..71R} Rester, A.~C., Coldwell, R.~L. \& Dunnam, F.~E., et al.\ 1989, \\apj, 342, L71.

The format for Icarus is:

%ZEncoding:latex\\bibitem[%2M(%Y)]{%R} %10I\ %Y.\ %T.\ %j %V, %p-%P.\n

The format for MNRAS is:

%ZEncoding:latex\\bibitem[\\protect\\citename{%1h}{%Y}]{%R} %8.3g,%Y,%q, %V,%p\n

A format to create list of records with hyperlinked title is:

%ZEncoding:html<P>%a %Y, %J <A href="%u">%T</A>\n

A format to create a list of records with hyperlinked bibcode, authors, title, journal, volume, page, year for use in latex:

%ZEncoding:latex\\item \href{%u}{%R} %A: \textit{%T,} %j,%V,%p (%Y)

The same format as above but encoded for use as a rich text document (rtf) which can be edited in textedit, word, etc.

%ZHeader:"{\\rtf1\n\n" %ZFooter:"}"%zn. {\\field{\\*\\fldinst HYPERLINK "%u"}{\\fldrslt %R }} %A: \\i %T,\\i0%q,%V,%p (%Y)\\line\

Author formats

There are 18 author formats in the custom format.

Author formats for last name only

and Format Specifier Abbreviated Example Example Abbreviated %3.2
text lastname %f \emph{et al.} -Henneken, Muench, Holm Nielsen, Blanco-Cuaresma, and Accomazzi
-Kurtz and Accomazzi
-Henneken, Muench \emph{et al.}
-Kurtz and Accomazzi
text first author only if number of authors > 2 otherwise both authors

note these are separated by spaces not commas
%H   -Henneken
-Kurtz and Accomazzi
-Henneken Muench
-Kurtz and Accomazzi
symbol first author only if number of authors > 2 otherwise both authors

note these are separated by spaces not commas
%h   -Henneken
-Kurtz & Accomazzi
-Henneken Muench
-Kurtz & Accomazzi
text lastname %M et al. -Henneken, Muench, Holm Nielsen, Blanco-Cuaresma, and Accomazzi
-Kurtz and Accomazzi
-Henneken, Muench et al.
-Kurtz and Accomazzi
symbol lastname %m et al. -Henneken, Muench, Holm Nielsen, Blanco-Cuaresma, & Accomazzi
-Kurtz & Accomazzi
-Henneken, Muench et al.
-Kurtz & Accomazzi
none first author only lastname+ %n   -Henneken,+

Author formats for full name

and First Name First Author vs The Rest Format Specifier Abbreviated Example Example Abbreviated %3.2
text in full if available same lastname, firstname m. %A , and xxx colleagues -Henneken, E. A., Muench, G., Holm Nielsen, L., Blanco-Cuaresma, S. and Accomazzi, A.
-Kurtz, Michael J. and Accomazzi, Alberto
-Henneken, E. A., Muench, G., and 4 colleagues
-Kurtz, Michael J. and Accomazzi, Alberto
symbol in full if available same lastname, firstname m. %a , et al. -Henneken, E. A., Muench, G., Holm Nielsen, L., Blanco-Cuaresma, S., & Accomazzi, A.
-Kurtz, Michael J. & Accomazzi, Alberto
-Henneken, E. A., Muench, G., et al.
-Kurtz, Michael J. & Accomazzi, Alberto
none initials same lastname fm

note no dots after the initials
%E et al

note no comma before or dots after
-Henneken EA, Muench G, Holm Nielsen L, Blanco-Cuaresma S, Accomazzi A
-Kurtz MJ, Accomazzi A
-Henneken EA, Muench G et al
-Kurtz MJ, Accomazzi A
text initials same lastname f.m.

note no space after first initial
%e , and xxx colleagues -Henneken, E.A., Muench, G., Holm Nielsen, L., Blanco-Cuaresma, S., and Accomazzi, A.
-Kurtz, M.J. and Accomazzi, A.
-Henneken, E.A., Muench, G., and 4 colleagues
-Kurtz, M.J. and Accomazzi, A.
none initials same lastname, f. m. %G , et al. -Henneken, E. A., Muench, G., Holm Nielsen, L., Blanco-Cuaresma, S., Accomazzi, A.
-Kurtz, M. J., Accomazzi, A.
-Henneken, E. A., Muench, G., et al.
-Kurtz, M. J., Accomazzi, A.
none initials same lastname f. m.

note no comma after lastname
%g , et al. -Henneken E. A., Muench G., Holm Nielsen L., Blanco-Cuaresma S., Accomazzi A.
-Kurtz M. J., Accomazzi A.
-Henneken E. A., Muench G., et al.
-Kurtz M. J., Accomazzi A.
text initials different first author: lastname, f. m.

other authors: f. m. lastname
%I , and xxx colleagues -Henneken, E. A., G. Muench, L. Holm Nielsen, S. Blanco-Cuaresma, and A. Accomazzi
-Kurtz, M. J. and A. Accomazzi
-Henneken, E. A., G. Muench, and 4 colleagues
-Kurtz, M. J. and A. Accomazzi
symbol initials different first author: lastname, f. m.

other authors: f. m. lastname
%i , et al. -Henneken, E. A., G. Muench, L. Holm Nielsen, S. Blanco-Cuaresma, & A. Accomazzi
-Kurtz, M. J. & A. Accomazzi
-Henneken, E. A., G. Muench, et al.
-Kurtz, M. J. & A. Accomazzi
text in full if available same firstname m. lastname %k , et al. -E. A. Henneken, G. Muench, L. Holm Nielsen, S. Blanco-Cuaresma, and A. Accomazzi
-Michael Kurtz and Alberto Accomazzi
-E. A. Henneken, G. Muench, et al.
-Michael Kurtz and Alberto Accomazzi
text initials same lastname, f. m. %L , and xxx colleagues -Henneken, E. A., Muench, G., Holm Nielsen, L., Blanco-Cuaresma, S., and Accomazzi, A.
-Kurtz, M. J. and Accomazzi, A.
-Henneken, E. A., Muench, G., and 4 colleagues
-Kurtz, M. J. and Accomazzi, A.
symbol initials same lastname, f. m. %l , et al. -Henneken, E. A., Muench, G., Holm Nielsen, L., Blanco-Cuaresma, S., & Accomazzi, A.
-Kurtz, M. J., & Accomazzi, A.
-Henneken, E. A., Muench, G., et al.
-Kurtz and Accomazzi
none initials same lastname, f. m. %N , and xxx colleagues -Henneken, E. A., Muench, G., Holm Nielsen, L., Blanco-Cuaresma, S., Accomazzi, A.
-Kurtz, M. J., Accomazzi, A.
-Henneken, E. A., Muench, G., and 4 colleagues
-Kurtz, M. J., Accomazzi, A.
text initials same f. m. lastname %O , and xxx colleagues -E. A. Henneken, G. Muench, L. Holm Nielsen, S. Blanco-Cuaresma, and A. Accomazzi
- M. J. Kurtz and A. Accomazzi
-E. A. Henneken, G. Muench, and 4 colleagues
-M. J. Kurtz and A. Accomazzi
symbol initials same f. m. lastname %o , et al. -E. A. Henneken, G. Muench, L. Holm Nielsen, S. Blanco-Cuaresma, & A. Accomazzi
-M. J. Kurtz & A. Accomazzi
-E. A. Henneken, G. Muench, et al.
-M. J. Kurtz & A. Accomazzi

Note that formats %e and %f used to be known in Classic ADS as %za2 and %za3 respectively. %za1 from Classic ADS is deprecated since it is equivalent to %1H.

Other formats

Specifier Field Comments
B Abstract prints out the abstract if it is available
C Copyright prints out the copyright statement if available
c Citation count outputs the number of citations to the article
D Publication Date prints out the Publication date if available
d DOI outputs the Digital Object Identifier of the article if available
F Author Affiliation prints out the Author affiliation if available
J Journal prints out the journal name
j Journal prints out the journal name if available; if an AASTeX macro for the journal is available, the macro is printed instead
Q Journal prints out the full journal information if available
q Journal prints out the journal abbreviation
K Keywords prints out the keywords if available
P Last Page prints out the last page number of the article if available
p First Page prints out the first page number of the article if available
pb Publisher prints out the publisher name for the article if available
pc Page Count prints out the number of pages of the article if available
pp Page Range prints out the page range numbers of the article if available
R Bibliographic Code prints out the bibliographic code if available
S Issue prints out the issue if available
T Title prints out the title if available
U URL prints out the URL of the abstract as a complete hyperlink with the bibcode as the anchor in the form: bibcode
u URL prints out the URL of the abstract in the form:
V Volume prints out the volume if available
W Publication Category prints the publication category, currently available categories are: MISC, BOOK, INBOOK, PROCEEDINGS, INPROCEEDINGS, ARTICLE, PHDTHESIS, MASTERSTHESIS, TECHREPORT
X arXiv e-print number prints the identifier corresponding to the paper’s e-print, as assigned by the arXiv
x Comments prints any of the comments available for the record
xe e-print Comments prints any e-print comments available for the record
Y Year prints out the publication year if available

Note the “\” character is used to specify special characters, as in a printf format (i.e., “\n” is a newline, and “\t” is a tab).

Output Field Specifier

The output field specifiers are added to the beginning of the custom format as described below.

  • zn: Enumeration

    This format outputs the sequence number of the record in the output

  • Z: Command format

    This is a special format directive. It must be the first command specified in a format string, and there can be multiple %Z directives at the beginning of the string. While the Z tag produces no output, it allows you to specify the value of certain variables with corresponding parameters. It has the following syntax: %Zcommand:parameter. The parameter can be a number, a word, or a string, depending on the command. If it is a string, it must be enclosed in double quotes. The available commands are:

    • Encoding:word Note that there are two encoding options: global and field. As the name suggests, specifying global encoding applies the encoding to the entire citation, or all output fields. Global encoding is specified using the %Z command. Please see further down for an explanation of field encoding independent of the %Z command. Available global encoding parameters are:
      • unicode (default): UTF-8 encoding of all unicode characters. Note also for backward compatibility UTF-8 option for word is also supported.
      • html: This encoding converts characters in URLs to hex notation, and & to &amp;. Outside URLs, the characters &, <, >, and “ are converted to &amp;, &lt;, &gt;, and &quot;, respectively.
      • latex: This encoding converts all special Tex characters into their Tex escape sequences. For instance ‘\’ is converted to ‘$\backslash $’, ‘$’ is converted into ‘\$’, ‘^’ is converted into ‘\^{}’, etc.
      • csv: The encoding creates csv file format including header line if not specified.
    • Linelength:number This specifies the output line length (default is 0 meaning no line wraps).
    • Header:“string” This specifies a header that will be output once before the data records.
    • Footer:“string” This specifies a footer that will be output once after all the data records are output.
    • Markup:word This specifies how to process HTML markup found in input fields (such as ≤SUB>). Available options are:
      • keep: keep the markup (default)
      • strip: remove the markup
    • EOL:“string” This specifies the character to be printed at the end of a record (newline by default).
    • AuthorSep:“string” This specifies the string to be used when concatenating the names of authors (“, “ by default).
  • Field encoding is applied to each individual field. Available field encoding characters are:

    • >: html encoding. This encoding converts characters in URLs to hex notation, and & to &amp;. Outside URLs, the characters &, <, >, and “ are converted to &amp;, &lt;, &gt;, and &quot;, respectively.
    • <: ascii encoding. This encoding converts accented characters to simple ASCII equivalents.
    • /: url encoding. This encoding converts the characters &, ?, and + to the hex encoded values.
    • \: latex encoding. This encoding converts all special Tex characters into their Tex escape sequences. For instance ‘' is converted to ‘$\backslash $’, ‘$’ is converted into ‘$’, ‘^’ is converted into ‘\^{}’, etc.

Author Affiliations

The Author Affiliation report allows you to create a list of all coauthors, and their affiliations, for a given author. This is especially useful to meet the requirements of some grant applications, such as for the NSF collaborator form.

To create this report for yourself:

  1. First search for all of your papers using your name, your ORCID ID, or an ADS library of your papers (click the “view library in search results page” button on your library).
  2. From the search results page, click the Export menu in the upper right, then choose “Author Affiliation”.
  3. Use the “authors” and “years” drop down menus at the top of the report to choose the first N number of authors per paper and the past Y number of years (as specified by the grant agency) for the report.
  4. Check over and clean the report, selecting or deselecting your co-authors and their affiliations as needed.
  5. When satisfied, use the drop down menu at the top to select your export format and export the results.

Visualize Results

Author Network

The author network detects groups of authors and connections between those groups within a set of results.

author network An image of the author network for John Huchra with the link overlay activated.

How the network is made

The author network takes the top 200 most frequently appearing authors within your result set, measures the frequency of collaboration between them, and displays color-coded groups of authors organized around a center point.

How to use it

Clicking on an inside edge of a group will show you all papers from that group. Clicking on an outside edge, or an author name, will show you all papers by that particular author.

  • Quickly drill down to relevant results To quickly narrow down your search results to papers from a certain collaboration group, select the group, click the “add to filter” button, and filter your ADS search.

  • Visually explore your results set To get an at-a-glance overview of a scientist’s career, search “author:LastName,FirstName” in the ADS, view the network, and quickly see an organized overview of important collaborators.

  • Answer specific questions about the results set

    • To find authors who collaborate not only within their group but outside of it, check the “view link overlay” box and see which authors tend to collaborate with authors in other groups.
    • To see the collaborations that have been most fruitful in terms of citations yielded, under “Size wedges based on”, click “Paper Citations”.

Paper Network

The paper network detects groups of papers based on shared references between those papers. In general, papers with many shared references will tend to have similar topics.

paper network Paper network for John Huchra.

How the network is made

The paper network creates groups of papers that share a significant number of references, and names those groups by looking for shared, unique words in their titles.

How to use it

  • View your results grouped by sub-topic Because papers with similar references tend to be on similar subjects, you can see a rough guide to the main topics within your search results.

  • Find the most significant papers on different topics Click a group to see information about the most cited papers from that group in the right info pane.

  • Find relevant papers NOT in your result set Clicking on a group will also show you in the right pane the most commonly referenced papers from a group. Often these papers do not appear in your actual result set, and yet given their influence they might be highly relevant to your area of interest.

Results Graph

When you look at a list of ADS search results, you can sort by date published, by citation count, or by recent popularity of the article in ADS, but you cannot see all of these dimensions at once, and you cannot easily see outliers. The results graph is a customizable scatter chart that allows you to assign values to the x and y axes as well as to the radius of the circle representing a paper.

How to use it

  • Filter your search results Mouse over a circle to read information about the paper, or drag a square around a number of circles and click on the green “submit filter” button below the graph to limit your search results to the selected papers.

  • Find newly popular papers The default graph shows the recent views (the number of times a paper has been accessed in the ADS in the last 90 days) as the y-axis value. In general, graphs will show a trend of decreasing reads over time as an article ages. If any paper has a higher read count than predicted by the general trend, it might be worth investigating further.

Word Cloud

The word cloud shows you frequently appearing and unique words in your search results.

How the word cloud is made

The word cloud takes words from the titles and abstracts of your search results, counts their frequencies and compares them to the same word’s frequency across the entire ADS corpus.

How to use it

  • Move the slider to the left of the word cloud towards “unique” to see those words that appeared relatively frequently in your results but rarely in the rest of ADS.
  • Move the slider to the left of the word cloud towards “frequent” to see those words that appear frequently in your results, regardless of how often they appear in the rest of ADS.

Instructions on Downloading Graphics as High-Quality PNGS in Chrome

  1. Install the SVG Crowbar 2 Bookmarklet
  2. Open the graph in ADS (currently the paper and author networks have the best support)
  3. Click the SVG Crowbar icon, you will see something that looks a bit messy, like this:
  4. Click on the two bottom buttons: #network-viz-main-chart to download the main chart, and #network-viz-time-series to download the accompanying time series graph.

Quick Links

Following each article in a search result there are symbols which indicate the availability of what information is available for the article. These can be used as direct links to the information or as quick indicators of what you can find in the article.

Information is grouped into three categories:

  • Available full text sources: here you will find links to Publisher Article, Publisher PDF, arXiv e-print, ADS scanned article or ADS PDF. Links that are green mean that this article is “Open Access”, meaning that there is no subscription necessary to access the full text through this link. ADS gives all available links to provide the user with the choice that best suits him/her. Please note that a lot of these links go to resources outside of the ADS and the user may be prompted for a username or password. The external links can be configured to work with your library subscriptions.

  • References and Citations: here you will find links to the references in the article and citations to the article. The number of references and citations is indicated by the number in the parentheses. Please note that as with all abstracting and indexing services, the reference and citation lists in the ADS are not complete. There are several sources of incompleteness of citation lists:
    • The ADS doesn’t have the cited article in the database. This happens for instance for most papers appearing in mathematics, chemistry, and geophysics journals.
    • Our reference resolver program couldn’t interpret the reference. This may be due to errors or incompleteness in the reference, unusual formatting of it, or simply limitations in our program’s abilities.
    • We do not have the reference list for the citing paper. This happens for older articles and for articles in journals and conference proceedings that do not supply us with reference lists.
    • We are constantly adding to our references by extracting reference lists from scanned articles, trying to improve reference recognition capabilities, and adding new records to our databases, so this work is an ongoing effort which will cause reference and citation lists to change over time.
  • Data Links: here you will find links to Data in the article. We provide links to Archival Data (from data centers including MAST, NExSci, Chandra, PDS) and to SIMBAD and to NED.

Article View

Clicking on the title of an individual article will bring you to a page showing the abstract view for the chosen article including Publication data, DOI link, keywords and arXiv identifier. On this page you will find links to lists of:

  • Citations to the article
  • References in the article
  • Co-Reads of the article (papers that have been read by people who read this article)
  • Graphics in the article

Export functions will allow you to export the article metadata in available formats (see Export Results for a full list of formats)

You can also generate the metrics for the individual article by selecting metrics from the Analyze list.

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ADS Bibcode

The ADS uses bibliographic codes (bibcodes) to identify literature in our database. Using a standard bibliographic format, as explained below, we can easily identify different articles and users can efficiently search for them. The bibcode is a 19 digit identifier which describes the journal article. The format was originally adopted by the SIMBAD and NED projects, and follows the syntax: YYYYJJJJJVVVVMPPPPA where:

  • YYYY: Year of publication
  • JJJJJ: A standard abbreviation for the journal (e.g. ApJ, AJ, MNRAS, Sci, PASP, etc.). A list of abbreviations is available.
  • VVVV: The volume number (for a serial) or an abbreviation that specifies what type of publication it is (e.g. conf for conference proceedings, meet for Meeting proceedings, book for a book, coll for colloquium proceedings, proc for any other type of proceedings).
  • M: Qualifier for publication:
    • E: Electronic Abstract (usually a counter, not a page number)
    • L: Letter
    • P: Pink page
    • Q-Z: Unduplicating character for identical codes
  • PPPP: Page number. Note that for page numbers greater than 9999, the page number is continued in the m column.
  • A: The first letter of the last name of the first author.

The fields are padded with periods (.) so that the code is always 19 characters long. The journal is left-justified within its 5 characters, and the volume and page are right-justified. New journal abbreviations should be unique, and follow existing naming conventions. As an example, the bibliographic code: 1992ApJ…400L…1W corresponds to the article: Astrophysical Journal Letters volume 400, page L1.

Journal Macros

Journal Abbreviations used in the ADS BibTeX entries

Some of the LaTeX-compatible reference formats created by ADS contain macros that need to be properly expanded by TeX or LaTeX in order to produce the correct output. Since the particular formatting depends on the macro package used by the author or publisher and since these formats change with time, we suggest that users always resolve these macros by incorporating the appropriate style file in their documents. The most popular set of macros in use today in astronomy are the ones defined in the AASTeX package and supported by the journal Astronomy & Astrophysics. If you use any of the TeX-based formats generated by ADS, you should consider installing and incorporating the AASTeX macros to facilitate the preparation of your manuscript.

However, if for some reason you do not want or are not able to use the AAS macro package, you have the option of incorporating just the macros in your paper as described below. The following macros are taken from the AASTeX macro package version 6.3.1. You will need to include these macros in your LaTeX source only if you are not using the AASTeX package and need to resolve the macro definitions found in the BibTeX entries returned by ADS. You can copy the needed macros from the table below, or download the .sty file to include in your LaTeX source here.

TeX Macro Journal Name
\aas American Astronomical Society Meeting Abstracts
\aj Astronomical Journal
\actaa Acta Astronomica
\araa Annual Review of Astron and Astrophysis
\apj Astrophysical Journal
\apjl Astrophysical Journal, Letters
\apjs Astrophysical Journal, Supplement
\ao Applied Optics
\apss Astrophysics and Space Science
\aap Astronomy and Astrophysics
\aapr Astronomy and Astrophysics Reviews
\aaps Astronomy and Astrophysics, Supplement
\aplett Astrophysics Letters
\apspr Astrophysics Space Physics Research
\azh Astronomicheskii Zhurnal
\baas Bulletin of the AAS
\bain Bulletin Astronomical Institute of the Netherlands
\caa Chinese Astronomy and Astrophysics
\cjaa Chinese Journal of Astronomy and Astrophysics
\dps American Astronomical Society/Division for Planetary Sciences Meeting Abstracts
\fcp Fundamental Cosmic Physics
\gca Geochimica Cosmochimica Acta
\grl Geophysics Research Letters
\iaucirc IAU Cirulars
\icarus Icarus
\jaavso Journal of the American Association of Variable Star Observers
\jcap Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics
\jcp Journal of Chemical Physics
\jgr Journal of Geophysics Research
\jqsrt Journal of Quantitiative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer
\jrasc Journal of the RAS of Canada
\maps Meteoritics and Planetary Science
\memras Memoirs of the RAS
\memsai Mem. Societa Astronomica Italiana
\mnras Monthly Notices of the RAS
\na New Astronomy
\nar New Astronomy Review
\nat Nature
\nphysa Nuclear Physics A
\pasa Publications of the Astron. Soc. of Australia
\pasp Publications of the ASP
\pasj Publications of the ASJ
\physrep Physics Reports
\physscr Physica Scripta
\planss Planetary Space Science
\pra Physical Review A: General Physics
\prb Physical Review B: Solid State
\prc Physical Review C
\prd Physical Review D
\pre Physical Review E
\prl Physical Review Letters
\procspie Proceedings of the SPIE
\psj Planetary Science Journal
\qjras Quarterly Journal of the RAS
\rmxaa Revista Mexicana de Astronomia y Astrofisica
\skytel Sky and Telescope
\solphys Solar Physics
\sovast Soviet Astronomy
\ssr Space Science Reviews
\zap Zeitschrift fuer Astrophysik