Bars are expected to impact the distribution of stellar populations both during bar formation, as they rearrange stars into new orbits, and afterwards, due to the redistribution of star-formation-fuelling gas and transfer of angular momentum. We study the impact of stellar bars on the azimuthal variation of stellar population age, metallicity and mass surface density in $\sim 1\, 000$ nearby barred galaxies from the Mapping Nearby Galaxies at Apache Point Observatory (MaNGA) survey. Bars have higher stellar mass density ($0.113^{+0.065}_{-0.067}$ dex) and are more metal-rich ($0.028^{+0.033}_{-0.040}$ dex) than the discs at the same radii. Stellar ages show a variety of bar to interbar contrasts with no consistent trend. The difference in metallicity increases with total stellar mass of the galaxy and distance below the star-forming main sequence. We discuss a combination of potentially responsible processes including kinematic separation, more extended star formation histories and more efficient recycling in bars and at bar-spiral arm connections. Additionally, we observe an offset ($10^{\circ }$-$40^{\circ }$) of the peak metallicity to the bar major axis in star-forming bars in low-mass galaxies, and more metal-rich regions outside the ends of the bar in long bars and quenched galaxies. Furthermore, there is a subtle trend of lower metallicities on the leading side of spiral arms compared to the trailing side. Finally, we report a spiral arm surface density feature, which could point towards a dominant bar-spiral connection and pitch angle of $\alpha \sim 25^{\circ }$. We interpret these features in the context of bar formation and the impact of large-scale gas flows associated with their presence.