A recursive method for the construction of symmetric irreducible representations of $ O(2l+1)$ in the $ O(2l+1)\supset O(3)$ basis for identical boson systems is proposed. The formalism is realized based on the group chain $ U(2l+1)\supset U(2l-1)\otimes U(2)$ , of which the symmetric irreducible representations are simply reducible. The basis vectors for symmetric irreducible representations of the $ O(2l+1)\supset O(2l-1)\otimes U(1)$ can easily be constructed from those of U(2l + 1) $ \supset$U(2l - 1) ⊗ U(2) $ \supset$O(2l - 1) ⊗ U(1) with no l -boson pairs, namely with the total boson number exactly equal to the seniority number in the system, from which one can construct symmetric irreducible representations of $ O(2l+1)$ in the $ O(2l-1)\otimes U(1)$ basis when all symmetric irreducible representations of O(2l - 1) are known. As a starting point, basis vectors of symmetric irreducible representations of O(5) are constructed in the $ O_{1}(3)\otimes U(1)$ basis, where $ O_{1}(3)\equiv O(2l-1)$ , when l = 2 , which is generated not by the angular momentum operators of the d -boson system, but by the operators constructed from d -boson creation (annihilation) operators $ d^{\dagger}_{\mu}$ ( $ d_{\mu}$ with $ \mu=1$ , 0, -1 . Matrix representations of $ O(5)\supset O_{1}(3)\otimes U(1)$ , together with the elementary Wigner coefficients, are presented. After the angular momentum projection, a three-term relation in determining the expansion coefficients of the $ O(5)\supset O(3)$ basis vectors, where the O(3) group is generated by the angular momentum operators of the d -boson system, in terms of those of $ O_{1}(3)\otimes U(1)$ is derived. The eigenvectors of the projection matrix with zero eigenvalues constructed according to the three-term relation completely determine the basis vectors of $ O(5)\supset O(3)$ . Formulae for evaluating the elementary Wigner coefficients of $ O(5)\supset O(3)$ are derived explicitly. Analytical expressions of some elementary Wigner coefficients of $ O(5)\supset O(3)$ for the coupling $ (\tau 0)\otimes(1 0)$ with resultant angular momentum quantum number L = 2$ \tau$ + 2 - k for $ k=0,2,3,\ldots,6$ with a multiplicity 2 case for k = 6 are presented.