RF systems in space. Volume 1: Space antennas frequency (SARF) simulation
The main objective of this effort was to develop a computer based analytical capability for simulating the RF performance of large space-based radar (SBR) systems. The model is capable of simulating corporate and space fed aperture. The model also can simulate multibeam feeds, cluster/point feeds, corporate feed and various aperture distributions. The simulation is capable of accepting Draper Labs structural data and antenna current data from Atlantic Research Corporation's (ARC) First Approximation Methods (FAM) and Higher Approximation Methods (HAM) models. In addition there is a routine to input various apertures surface distortions which causes the elements in the array to be displaced from the ideal location on a planar lattice. These were analyses looking at calibration/compensation techniques for large aperture space radars. Passive, space fed lens SBR designs were investigated. The survivability of an SBR system was analyzed. The design of ground based SBR validation experiments for large aperture SBR concepts were investigated. SBR designs were investigated for ground target detection.
- Publication:
Final Technical Report General Research Corp
- Pub Date:
- April 1983
- Bibcode:
- 1983grc..rept.....L
- Keywords:
- Radar Antennas;
- Radio Frequencies;
- Space Based Radar;
- Apertures;
- Beams (Radiation);
- Clumps;
- Computerized Simulation;
- Input;
- Phased Arrays;
- Planar Structures;
- Position (Location);
- Radar Targets;
- Satellite Antennas;
- Surface Distortion;
- Targets;
- Vulnerability;
- Communications and Radar