Atmospheric VLF radio noise at elevated receivers: Horizontal and vertical polarization
A working computer program model for predicting the horizontally and vertically polarized atmospheric noise at any location, season, time of day, and altitude is presented. The programs which are combined to form the model are described. The WAVEGUID program contains the algorithms necessary to compute all the electric and magnetic components of a propagating electromagnetic wave in a given waveguide mode at any height above the ground, if the vertical electric component of the wave at the ground is known. The COMPWR and NOISLAN programs calculate the amplitudes of the vertical electric VLF noise in the three dominant quasi-transverse magnetic waveguide modes from each equilvalent atmospheric noise source. Predictions obtained using the model are compared with observed data.
- Publication:
In AGARD Medium
- Pub Date:
- February 1982
- Bibcode:
- 1982mlvl.agarS....K
- Keywords:
- Noise Prediction;
- Polarization (Waves);
- Radio Reception;
- Very Low Frequencies;
- Atmospherics;
- Computer Programs;
- Fortran;
- Pulse Amplitude;
- Tables (Data);
- Communications and Radar