This study explores a relationship between the $\rm {CO}$ luminosity-full width at half-maximum linewidth linear relation (i.e. the $\rm {CO}$ LFR) and mean galaxy property of the local star-forming galaxy sample in the xCOLDGASS data base, via a mathematical statement. The whole data base galaxies were separated into two subsamples based on their stellar masses and redshifts, being a help to examine the dependence issue of the $\rm {CO}$ LFR. Selecting the galaxy data with a stringent requirement was also implemented in order to assure the validly of the $\rm {CO}$ LFR. An algorithm of the linear regression was conducted with the data of the subsample. An assessment about the linear correlation manifested a valid $\rm {CO}$ LFR occurs in the selected galaxy of the subsample, and the intercept of the $\rm {CO}$ LFR may be related with the mean galaxy properties such as the molecular gas fraction and galaxy size. For the finding on the intercept of the $\rm {CO}$ LFR, we aligned that intercept with those galaxy properties via the involvement of a $\psi$ parameter. On evaluating the $\psi$ value with our local star-forming galaxy sample, we numerically determined a relationship between the statistical result and the galaxy property in a different stellar mass range. It also shows a possible method on estimating galaxy property.