The advent of unique high-entropy oxides has sparked substantial research interest due to their exceptional functional properties, which often surpass the mere sum of their constituent elements' characteristics. This paper introduces a complex high-entropy spinel oxide with composition (Ni0.2Mg0.2Co0.2Cu0.2Zn0.2)(Mn0.66Fe0.66Cr0.66)O4. We performed comprehensive structural (x-ray and neutron diffraction), microstructural, magnetic, and local electronic structure investigations on this material. Despite the material's high degree of disorder, detailed magnetization measurements and low-temperature neutron powder diffraction studies reveal long-range ferrimagnetic ordering beginning at 293 K. The sample exhibits a high saturation magnetization of 766 emu/cm3 (at 50 K), a low coercivity (HC) of 100 Oe (50 K), a high transition temperature (TC) around room temperature, and high resistivity value of 4000 ohm-cm at room temperature, indicating its potential for high-density memory devices. The magnetic structure is determined using a collinear-type ferrimagnetic model with a propagation vector k = 0,0,0. Various analytical techniques, including modified Arrott plots, Kouvel-Fischer analysis, and critical isotherm analysis, are employed to investigate the phase transitions and magnetic properties of this complex system. Our results indicate a second-order phase transition. Remarkably, despite the complex structure and significant disorder, the critical exponents obtained are consistent with the mean field model. The high entropy leads to a remarkably homogeneous distribution of multiple cations, validating the approximation of average local magnetic environments and supporting the mean field theory.