This paper presents research that focuses on nonflow contribution subtraction in heavy-ion collisions, using a multiphase transport model (AMPT). Specifically, the study aims to investigate the behavior of charged particle elliptic flow (v2) in d-Au collisions at a collision energy of sNN=200 GeV and to determine the impact of nonflow sources, such as jet correlations and resonance decays, in small collision systems. To reduce nonflow effects, the per-trigger yield distribution in peripheral d-Au collisions or pp collisions with the same collision energy is subtracted. Our results show that the nonflow effects in central and mid-central collisions are not strongly dependent on subtracting the per-trigger yield distribution in peripheral d-Au collisions or pp collisions. Furthermore, the elliptic flow of charged particles, after removing nonflow effects through two subtracting methods from this work, exhibits consistency in various collision centrality classes. We also discuss comparisons with measurements from d-Au collisions at sNN=200 GeV. Overall, this work provides valuable insights and serves as a reference for researchers studying nonflow contribution subtraction in experiments with small collision systems.