The model under consideration is the classical two-dimensional one-component plasma (jellium) of pointlike particles with charge e, interacting pairwisely via the logarithmic Coulomb potential and immersed in a uniform neutralizing background charge density. The system is in thermal equilibrium at the inverse temperature β, its thermodynamics depends only on the coupling constant Γ=βe2. We put into an infinite (homogeneous and translationally invariant) plasma a guest particle of charge Ze with Z>-2/Γ in order to prevent from the collapse of the jellium charges onto it. The guest particle induces a screening cloud (the excess charge density) in the plasma. The zeroth and second moments of this screening cloud were derived previously for any fluid value of Γ. In this paper, we propose a formula for the fourth moment of the screening cloud. The derivation is based on the assumption that the fourth moment is, similarly as the second moment, analytic in Z around Z=0. An exact treatment of the limit Z→∞ shows that it is a finite (cube) polynomial in Z. The Γ-dependence of the polynomial coefficients is determined uniquely by considering the limits Z→0 and Z→∞, and the compressibility sum rule for Z=1. The formula for the fourth moment of screening cloud is checked in the leading and first correction orders of the Debye–Hückel limit Γ→0 and at the exactly solvable free-fermion point Γ=2. Sufficient conditions for sign oscillations of the induced charge density which follow from the second-moment and fourth-moment sum rules are discussed.