Generation of tripartite entangled states with fermionic systems
We propose a protocol based on a tunneling plus particle-detection process aimed at generating tripartite entanglement in a system of 3 indistinguishable fermions in a triple-well potential, initially prepared in a state exhibiting only exchange correlations. Particular attention is paid to the generation of fermionicghz- and w-type states, which are analogous to the usual ghz- and w-type states defined in composites of distinguishable qubits. The protocol succeeds in generating fermionic w-type states, and the ensuing state becomes effectively equivalent to a 3-distinguishable-qubit w-type state shared among three localized parties. The protocol, however, is unable to generate ghz-type states, a result that highlights the fundamental inequivalence between these two types of states, and throws light into the characterization of processes that guarantee the emergence of specific kinds of multipartite entanglement in systems of identical parties. Our findings suggest new paths for the exploration, generation and exploitation of multipartite entanglement in composites of indistinguishable particles, as a useful resource for quantum information processing.
- Publication:
Annals of Physics
- Pub Date:
- September 2024
- DOI:
- arXiv:
- arXiv:2406.00533
- Bibcode:
- 2024AnPhy.46869720J
- Keywords:
- Indistinguishable fermions;
- Entanglement generation;
- Multipartite entanglement;
- Entanglement classes;
- Quantum Physics
- E-Print:
- 11 pages, 4 figures