Does Chirality Influence the Stability of Amino Acid Cu Complexes in the Salt-Induced Peptide Formation Reaction? Insights from Density Functional Theory Calculations.
The polymerization of amino acids into peptides and ultimately proteins is critical to evolution of life. Ribosomally-synthesized proteins are homochiral, composed entirely of L-amino acids. Abiotic syntheses of amino acids, however, produce racemic mixtures (equal amounts of L and D enantiomers), meaning that the pool of monomers available for abiotic protein synthesis would be racemic or nearly so. There are no prebiotically plausible mechanisms known to yield homochiral peptides from racemic pools of amino acids. While some mechanisms capable of producing or amplifying enantiomeric excesses have been observed, these excesses are small or not applicable to all biologically relevant amino acids. As a result, a prebiotically-feasible mechanism to create enantiopure pools of amino acids has not been identified. However, it is not clear that these enantio-enriched or enantiopure pools are necessary to produce homochiral peptides. Steric and electronic effects, or a combination of both, may influence how different enantiomers interact with each other, potentially leading to homochiral peptides from racemic mixtures. Here, we use density functional theory (DFT) calculations to assess the stability of homochiral and heterochiral reactive complexes produced during polymerization via the salt-induced peptide formation (SIPF) reaction. Experimental studies of the SIPF reaction have shown that it enables the formation of peptides under diverse environmental conditions, making it a plausible pathway to peptide formation on early Earth. In the SIPF reaction, NaCl acts as a condensation reagent while a divalent metal cation, primarily Cu2+, facilitates polymerization by complexing and activating amino acids forming a monochlorocuprate complex. To assess if hetero- or homochiral monochlorocuprate complexes were energetically favored, we compared the stability of LL, DD, and LD enantiomers of Cu2+ (alanine)2 and Cu2+ (valine)2 complexes. Gaussian 09 DFT energy-minimization calculations were made for each Cu amino acid complex in the cis and trans configuration. Models were energy minimized using the BHandHLYP/6-31++G(d,p) level of theory and free energies were compared to determine the most stable configuration.
- Publication:
AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts
- Pub Date:
- December 2021
- Bibcode:
- 2021AGUFM.B15L1566F