Analysis of the Molar Specific Heat of Pr1-xNdxOs4Sb12
The compounds PrOs4Sb12and NdOs4Sb12 have attracted interest due to their low temperature properties. They exhibit unconventional heavy-fermion superconductivity and ferromagnetism respectively. The series of compounds Pr1-xNdxOs4Sb12 is being studied to understand the interaction between these effects. Previous studies have shown competition between the superconducting and ferromagnetic states and that for particular concentrations of Nd and Pr, the two coexist within the sample. The specific heat was measured in the normal state above 10 K, and thermodynamic parameters were extracted from the specific heat data for each sample, including the Debye and Einstein Temperatures and the electronic specific heat coefficient. Specific heat and parameter values will be reported for measured samples with low Nd concentrations. A minimum in the Debye and Einstein Temperatures was found around x = 0.55, which suggests a form of lattice-softening taking place at the Nd concentration where the superconductivity disappears.
Research at CSU-Fresno is supported by NSF DMR-1506677; at UCSD by NSF DMR-1206553 and US DOE DEFG02-04ER46105; at Hokkaido Univ. by JSPS KAKENHI Grants Nos. 26400342, 15K05882, and 15K21732.- Publication:
APS March Meeting Abstracts
- Pub Date:
- 2018
- Bibcode:
- 2018APS..MARB06015H