Gravitational Higgs mechanism in neutron star interiors
We suggest that nonminimally coupled scalar fields can lead to modifications of the microphysics in the interiors of relativistic stars. As a concrete example, we consider the generation of a nonzero photon mass in such high-density environments. This is achieved by means of a light gravitational scalar, and the scalarization phase transition in scalar-tensor theories of gravitation. Two distinct models are presented, and phenomenological implications are briefly discussed.
- Publication:
Physical Review D
- Pub Date:
- April 2017
- DOI:
- arXiv:
- arXiv:1606.03981
- Bibcode:
- 2017PhRvD..95h4003C
- Keywords:
- General Relativity and Quantum Cosmology;
- Astrophysics - High Energy Astrophysical Phenomena;
- High Energy Physics - Theory
- E-Print:
- 5 pages