The GOODS-N Jansky VLA 10 GHz Pilot Survey: Sizes of Star-forming μJY Radio Sources
Our sensitive ({σ }{{n}}≈ 572 {nJy} {{beam}}-1), high-resolution (FWHM {θ }1/2=0\buildrel{\prime\prime}\over{.} 22≈ 2 {kpc} {at} z≳ 1), 10 GHz image covering a single Karl G. Jansky Very Large Array (VLA) primary beam (FWHM {{{\Theta }}}1/2≈ 4\buildrel{ \prime}\over{.} 25) in the GOODS-N field contains 32 sources with {S}{{p}}≳ 2 μ {Jy} {{beam}}-1 and optical and/or near-infrared (OIR) counterparts. Most are about as large as the star-forming regions that power them. Their median FWHM major axis is < {θ }{{M}}> =167+/- 32 {mas}≈ 1.2+/- 0.28 {kpc}, with rms scatter ≈ 91 {mas}≈ 0.79 {kpc}. In units of the effective radius {r}{{e}} that encloses half their flux, these radio sizes are < {r}{{e}}> ≈ 69+/- 13 {mas}≈ 509+/- 114 {pc}, with rms scatter ≈ 38 {mas}≈ 324 {pc}. These sizes are smaller than those measured at lower radio frequencies, but agree with dust emission sizes measured at mm/sub-mm wavelengths and extinction-corrected Hα sizes. We made a low-resolution ({θ }1/2=1\buildrel{\prime\prime}\over{.} 0) image with ≈ 10× better brightness sensitivity, in order to detect extended sources and measure matched-resolution spectral indices {α }1.4 {GHz}10 {GHz}. It contains six new sources with {S}{{p}}≳ 3.9 μ {Jy} {{beam}}-1 and OIR counterparts. The median redshift of all 38 sources is < z> =1.24+/- 0.15. The 19 sources with 1.4 GHz counterparts have a median spectral index of < {α }1.4 {GHz}10 {GHz}> =-0.74+/- 0.10, with rms scatter ≈ 0.35. Including upper limits on α for sources not detected at 1.4 GHz flattens the median to < {α }1.4 {GHz}10 {GHz}> ≳ -0.61, suggesting that the μJy radio sources at higher redshifts—and hence those selected at higher rest-frame frequencies—may have flatter spectra. If the non-thermal spectral index is {α }{NT}≈ -0.85, the median thermal fraction of sources selected at median rest-frame frequency ≈ 20 {GHz} is ≳48%.
- Publication:
The Astrophysical Journal
- Pub Date:
- April 2017
- DOI:
- arXiv:
- arXiv:1702.06963
- Bibcode:
- 2017ApJ...839...35M
- Keywords:
- galaxies: evolution;
- galaxies: fundamental parameters;
- galaxies: high-redshift;
- galaxies: star formation;
- radio continuum: general;
- Astrophysics - Astrophysics of Galaxies
- E-Print:
- 18 pages, 13 figures, accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journal