Astrosat/LAXPC Reveals the High-energy Variability of GRS 1915+105 in the X Class
We present the first quick look analysis of data from nine AstroSat's Large Area X-ray Proportional Counter (LAXPC) observations of GRS 1915+105 during 2016 March when the source had the characteristics of being in the Radio-quiet χ class. We find that a simple empirical model of a disk blackbody emission, with Comptonization and a broad Gaussian Iron line can fit the time-averaged 3-80 keV spectrum with a systematic uncertainty of 1.5% and a background flux uncertainty of 4%. A simple dead time corrected Poisson noise level spectrum matches well with the observed high-frequency power spectra till 50 kHz and as expected the data show no significant high-frequency (\gt 20 {Hz}) features. Energy dependent power spectra reveal a strong low-frequency (2-8 Hz) quasi-periodic oscillation and its harmonic along with broadband noise. The QPO frequency changes rapidly with flux (nearly 4 Hz in ∼5 hr). With increasing QPO frequency, an excess noise component appears significantly in the high-energy regime (\gt 8 keV). At the QPO frequencies, the time-lag as a function of energy has a non-monotonic behavior such that the lags decrease with energy till about 15-20 keV and then increase for higher energies. These first-look results benchmark the performance of LAXPC at high energies and confirms that its data can be used for more sophisticated analysis such as flux or frequency-resolved spectro-timing studies.
- Publication:
The Astrophysical Journal
- Pub Date:
- December 2016
- DOI:
- arXiv:
- arXiv:1608.07023
- Bibcode:
- 2016ApJ...833...27Y
- Keywords:
- accretion;
- accretion disks;
- black hole physics;
- X-rays: binaries;
- Astrophysics - High Energy Astrophysical Phenomena
- E-Print:
- 9 pages, 11 figures