Comet P/2015 K3 = P/2010 R2 (la Sagra)
Comet P/2010 R2 (cf. IAUC 9169) has been observed over three nights as it nears perihelion later this year, in March and April via CCD images obtained by S. S. Sheppard with the Magellan-Baade telescope (measured by M. Micheli and H. H. Hsieh), and this month via images taken by J. V. Scotti with the Spacewatch 1.8-m telescope at Kitt Peak (ten stacked 60-s exposures show a stellar appearance). The report by Scotti arrived before the report from Micheli. The astrometry is tabulated below. 2015 UT R.A. (2000) Decl. Mag. Observer Mar. 21.40571 19 21 19.01 -22 44 03.0 22.8 Sheppard 21.41005 19 21 19.35 -22 44 01.3 22.6 " Apr. 18.39658 19 50 33.27 -19 13 50.2 22.5 " 18.40222 19 50 33.54 -19 13 47.4 22.4 " 18.40784 19 50 33.82 -19 13 44.8 22.6 " May 22.42872 20 06 28.00 -14 21 58.8 21.6 Scotti 22.43625 20 06 28.00 -14 21 54.6 21.9 " 22.44381 20 06 28.05 -14 21 50.2 22.7 " The indicated correction to the prediction by S. Nakano in the ICQ's 2014 Comet Handbook is Delta(T) = -0.03 day. The following linked orbital elements by G. V. Williams and an ephemeris appear on MPEC 2015-K101. Epoch = 2015 Dec. 4.0 TT T = 2015 Nov. 29.90222 TT Peri. = 58.55676 e = 0.1537768 Node = 270.65011 2000.0 q = 2.6198415 AU Incl. = 21.41643 a = 3.0959226 AU n = 0.18093348 P = 5.45 years
- Publication:
Central Bureau Electronic Telegrams
- Pub Date:
- May 2015
- Bibcode:
- 2015CBET.4107....1S