Preparing Ground States of Quantum Many-Body Systems on a Quantum Computer
Preparing the ground state of a system of interacting classical particles is an NP-hard problem. Thus, there is in general no better algorithm to solve this problem than exhaustively going through all N configurations of the system to determine the one with lowest energy, requiring a running time proportional to N. A quantum computer, if it could be built, could solve this problem in time N. Here, we present a powerful extension of this result to the case of interacting quantum particles, demonstrating that a quantum computer can prepare the ground state of a quantum system as efficiently as it does for classical systems.
- Publication:
Physical Review Letters
- Pub Date:
- April 2009
- DOI:
- 10.1103/PhysRevLett.102.130503
- arXiv:
- arXiv:0809.2705
- Bibcode:
- 2009PhRvL.102m0503P
- Keywords:
- 03.67.Ac;
- 03.67.Lx;
- 24.10.Cn;
- Quantum algorithms protocols and simulations;
- Quantum computation;
- Many-body theory;
- Quantum Physics
- E-Print:
- 7 pages, 1 figure