New Results on the Ternary Fission of cm and cf Isotopes
Recently, the influence of the excitation energy of the fissioning nucleus on the ternary triton emission probability (noted t/B) has been investigated for 248Cm. This was done by comparing the (t/B)-data obtained from the 247Cm(nth,f) reaction (where the excitation energy of the fissioning nucleus corresponds to the neutron binding energy) and from 248Cm(sf) decay (where the excitation energy is zero). This study has revealed a slight increase of t/B with the excitation energy indicating that tritons do not behave in the same way as ternary alpha particles. The aim of this paper is to study this effect on the 246Cm compound nucleus and on various Cf-isotopes.
For that purpose, the energy distributions and yields of the ternary triton and alpha particles emitted from 246Cm(sf) have been measured, using a double telescope consisting of a twin ionization chamber coupled to two surface barrier detectors. The corresponding 245Cm(nth,f) data are available from a previous experiment. For the investigation of the Cf-isotopes, a 251Cf-sample also containing 249Cf, 250Cf and 252Cf has been used. The measurement was performed at the high flux reactor of the Institute Laue Langevin in Grenoble (France), using a vacuum chamber with a single ΔE-E telescope, consisting of two suited surface barrier detectors. This measurement was performed respectively with the neutron beam closed and opened in order to investigate contributions from (sf)-decays as well as (nth,f)-reactions. For each fissioning nucleus studied, a comparison of the spontaneous and thermal neutron induced fission data confirms the previously observed behaviour for the 248Cm compound nucleus, namely: a decrease of the ternary alpha emission probability and an increase of the triton emission probability with the excitation energy of the compound nucleus.- Publication:
Seminar on Fission
- Pub Date:
- February 2004
- DOI:
- Bibcode:
- 2004sefi.conf..151S