Transgression forms in dimension 4
We compute explicit transgression forms for the Euler and Pontrjagin classes of a Riemannian manifold $M$ of dimension 4 under a conformal change of the metric, or a change to a Riemannian connection with torsion. These formulae describe the singular set of some connections with singularities on compact manifolds as a residue formula in terms of a polynomial of invariants. We give some applications for minimal submanifolds of Kaehler manifolds. We also express the difference of the first Chern class of two almost complex structures, and in particular an obstruction to the existence of a homotopy between them, by a residue formula along the set of anti-complex points. Finally, we take the first steps in the study of obstructions for two almost quaternionic-Hermitian structures on a manifold of dimension 8 to have homotopic fundamental forms or isomorphic twistor spaces.
- Publication:
arXiv Mathematics e-prints
- Pub Date:
- December 2004
- DOI:
- arXiv:
- arXiv:math/0412389
- Bibcode:
- 2004math.....12389S
- Keywords:
- Mathematics - Differential Geometry;
- MSC 2000: Primary:53C42;
- 53C55;
- 53C25;
- 53C38;
- Secondary:57R20;
- 57R45
- E-Print:
- v1: 22 pages, plain LaTeX