Disorder-Sensitive Phase Formation Linked to Metamagnetic Quantum Criticality
Condensed systems of strongly interacting electrons are ideal for the study of quantum complexity. It has become possible to promote the formation of new quantum phases by explicitly tuning systems toward special low-temperature quantum critical points. So far, the clearest examples have been appearances of superconductivity near pressure-tuned antiferromagnetic quantum critical points. We present experimental evidence for the formation of a non-superconducting phase in the vicinity of a magnetic field-tuned quantum critical point in ultrapure crystals of the ruthenate metal Sr3Ru2O7, and we discuss the possibility that the observed phase is due to a spin-dependent symmetry-breaking Fermi surface distortion.
- Publication:
- Pub Date:
- November 2004
- DOI:
- Bibcode:
- 2004Sci...306.1154G
- Keywords: