A Virtual Observatory for the Ionosphere, Thermosphere, and Mesosphere community
The ionosphere, thermosphere, and mesosphere (ITM) community studies an area of the atmosphere that is a transition region between the atmosphere and space, where many important physical and chemical processes change dramatically temporally and spatially. As a result, the areas of studies within the ITM community span a wide spectrum of scientific subjects in geophysics and space physics. The relevant data for the community collected during the past few decades consequently come from a variety of sources including ground and space-based instruments as well as from modeling and data assimilation. As the different sub-fields mature, a system-oriented approach to understand the ITM as a whole and its relationship to the sun and the surrounding geospace environment is critical. This approach requires a data system with efficient access to all data sets (present and historical) relevant to disciplines across agencies, including NASA, NSF, NOAA and others. A preliminary Virtual ITM Observatory (VIO) concept for such a data system is presented as a grassroots level effort by the community that leverages current resources. The design incorporates a modular framework that accepts distributed data and services from across the community and encourages widespread participation. Data can be added as both new missions and historical holdings become available, and services added or replaced as technologies and standards evolve. The core VIO system is based upon a set of services: centralized browse and query/retrieval of distributed resources, access to data reader software and other tools, and integration of current data with data from previous missions and long-term data sets. The VIO concept is presented to the community for discussion and community-wide input as part of a definition phase.
- Publication:
AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts
- Pub Date:
- December 2004
- Bibcode:
- 2004AGUFMSA54A..08M
- Keywords:
- 0310 Airglow and aurora;
- 0355 Thermosphere: composition and chemistry;
- 0358 Thermosphere: energy deposition;
- 0399 General or miscellaneous