Visible and near-infrared dissociation lasers
Experiments have been conducted in which a tunable, injection-locked cadmium monoiodide (CdI) laser has been demonstrated. Over a 50 A spectral region centered at 657 nm, complete locking of the slave amplifier occurs for injected laser intensities of 5 W - cm-2. Also, an electron beam pumped I2 green excimer amplifier at 506 nm has been developed. Coupling between the UV and green bands of I2 has been shown to be strong and the small signal gain coefficient at 506 nm is > 5% - cm-1.
- Publication:
Final Report
- Pub Date:
- July 1984
- Bibcode:
- 1984uill.reptQ....E
- Keywords:
- Infrared Lasers;
- Laser Outputs;
- Tunable Lasers;
- Amplification;
- Amplifiers;
- Cadmium Compounds;
- Coupling;
- Dissociation;
- Electron Beams;
- Excimers;
- Injection Lasers;
- Iodides;
- Laser Mode Locking;
- Lasers and Masers