MLA instrument concepts for future land remote sensing
The evolution of various Multispectral Linear Array (MLA) sensor concepts occurred over the past several years in response to a corresponding evolution in mission requirements. Initial efforts were concered with sensors for an Operational Land Observation System (OLOS), with free-flying spacecraft at a principal altitude of 705 km. In 1982, studies related to the definition of instruments for an Experimental Land Observation System (ELOS) were conducted. The ELOS mission involves a series of Space-Shuttle sortie flights. The ELOS MLA instrument is to perform two roles. It is to be a key tool for conducting science experiments from the Shuttle, and it is to demonstrate the technology for an eventual free-flying spacecraft. Attention is given to MLA instrument-design concepts, efforts regarding the development of sensors with many narrow spectral bands, and aspects of technology development.
- Publication:
Satellite Land Remote Sensing Advancements for the Eighties
- Pub Date:
- 1984
- Bibcode:
- 1984slrs.proc..259M
- Keywords:
- Earth Observations (From Space);
- Multispectral Linear Arrays;
- Remote Sensing;
- Light (Visible Radiation);
- Nasa Programs;
- Near Infrared Radiation;
- Technology Assessment;
- Thematic Mapping;
- Spacecraft Instrumentation