New approaches to data recording and storage, taking into account, as an example, Spacelab and an automobile test
In the context of many experiments, problems arise which cannot be adequately solved with the known methods of data storage or can only be solved at high costs, taking into consideration an employment of analog tape recorders or direct computer processing. More suitable devices and procedures are discussed. Long-term storage on the basis of digital recording on magnetic tape cassettes is considered, taking into account aspects of storage philosophy, the advantages of the described approach, coding characteristics, a description of a suitable recording device, and the feasibility of further advances. The utilization of a CMOS RAM storage medium for automobile testing is also evaluated.
- Publication:
7th European Telemetry Conference
- Pub Date:
- 1984
- Bibcode:
- 1984eutm.conf....7K
- Keywords:
- Automobiles;
- Data Recording;
- Data Storage;
- Solid State Devices;
- Spacelab;
- Test Equipment;
- Binary Codes;
- Magnetic Tapes;
- Technological Forecasting;
- Instrumentation and Photography