Very high speed integrated circuits: Into the second generation. II - Entering Phase 1
The intended applications of the Very High Speed Integrated Circuits (VHSIC) chips and technologies fall into four basic categories. These categories are related to current operational systems which could be improved through VHSIC technologies without change in performance, the addition of new performance features to existing systems, planned upgrades of existing systems through the use of VHSIC technologies, and new systems which could not be developed without the use of VHSIC technology. Attention is given to system design evolution, aspects of technology insertion, advantages related to standardization, applications related to the development of the next generation Advance Tactical Fighter aircraft, the improvement of reliability, and technology transfer issues.
- Publication:
Military Electronics Countermeasures
- Pub Date:
- January 1982
- Bibcode:
- 1982MiElC...8...60M
- Keywords:
- Avionics;
- Chips (Electronics);
- Electronic Aircraft;
- Technological Forecasting;
- Vhsic (Circuits);
- Airborne/Spaceborne Computers;
- Chips (Memory Devices);
- Design Analysis;
- Fighter Aircraft;
- Military Technology;
- Onboard Data Processing;
- Production Engineering;
- Reliability Engineering;
- Standardization;
- Systems Engineering;
- Technology Transfer;
- Technology Utilization;
- Electronics and Electrical Engineering