Investigation of unsteady leakage of a boiling liquid in the thermodynamic equilibrium approximation
A method is described for investigating unsteady undulatory leakage of a saturated liquid from a ruptured high-pressure pipeline. The motion of the liquid-vapor mixture is described via a homogeneous model of a one-velocity saturated stream. The initial differential equations are transformed to a form that can be conveniently integrated by a finite difference scheme with maximum computer-time savings. The method is used to compute leakage of saturated water at high temperature and pressure from a ruptured pipeline.
- Publication:
Teplofizika Vysokikh Temperatur
- Pub Date:
- June 1978
- Bibcode:
- 1978TepVT..16..556I
- Keywords:
- Boiling;
- Leakage;
- Liquid-Vapor Equilibrium;
- Pipe Flow;
- Pressure Vessels;
- Thermodynamic Equilibrium;
- Unsteady Flow;
- Differential Equations;
- Finite Difference Theory;
- Two Phase Flow;
- Water Flow;
- Fluid Mechanics and Heat Transfer