Unconventional circuits for static voltage transformers
The design and development of circuits for static converters are reported on. These include primarily thyristor/transistor circuits as well as a circuit for load-controlled converters. In thyristor/transistor circuits transistors are used for quenching and commutation purposes as well as to protect thyristors. With these circuits the rated current can be commuted down to very low imput voltages. The load-controlled converter by virtue of this method of commutation is characterized by simple design and by the fact that it displays high efficiency at high clock frequencies. Two load-controlled converters were constructed, one of which provided a power of 20 kW at a clock frequency of 7 kHz, the efficiency achieved being 90%. Modular systems were developed for voltage converters. In this connection the possible application of heat pipes was examined for such converters with respect to the dependence on mounting position and the start-up and peak load behavior.
- Publication:
NASA STI/Recon Technical Report N
- Pub Date:
- December 1978
- Bibcode:
- 1978STIN...8011368N
- Keywords:
- Energy Policy;
- Junction Transistors;
- Power Supply Circuits;
- Thyristors;
- Voltage Converters (Dc To Dc);
- Commutators;
- Electronic Filters;
- Fuel Cells;
- Heat Pipes;
- Solar Energy Conversion;
- Electronics and Electrical Engineering