Push-pull transistor oscillator with magnetic scanning
The paper examines the operation of a push-pull transistor feedback oscillator with magnetic scanning for use in display devices. The oscillator has a deflecting coil and the end cascades of the network permit one to increase the feed voltage and to use but one high-power voltage source, which operates at constant load. The transient process of the stabilization of the amplitude of the deflecting current is examined for the case of negative and positive pulsed controlling signals at the input of the oscillator.
- Publication:
- Pub Date:
- March 1976
- Bibcode:
- 1976RaT....31...99B
- Keywords:
- Cathode Ray Tubes;
- Feedback Circuits;
- Pulse Generators;
- Push-Pull Amplifiers;
- Scanners;
- Transistor Circuits;
- Display Devices;
- Electric Networks;
- Signal Stabilization;
- Time Response;
- Electronics and Electrical Engineering